Legal Rights Of Individuals With TBI And Their Families

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a big effect on a person’s life and on the lives of their loved ones. As a result, it is important for individuals with TBI and their families to be aware of their legal rights and options.

Legal Right For Medical Care And Support Services

People with TBI have the right to get the right medical care and support services. This is an important legal right. This may include the right to access specialized TBI rehabilitation services as well as the right to receive ongoing care and support as needed. People with TBI may also be able to get money to pay for medical care and support services.

Legal Rights in Workplace

Individuals with TBI may also have legal rights in the workplace. For example, they may have the right to reasonable accommodations to help them return to work or continue working, such as modified work schedules or specialized equipment. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) says that employers must make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, including TBI.

Legal Right For Patient Family

In addition, individuals with TBI and their families may have legal rights related to the cause of the TBI. For example, if the TBI was caused by someone else’s carelessness, like a driver in a car accident, the person may be able to go to court to get paid for their injuries and damages.

People with TBI and their families should know their legal rights and options, and if they need to, they should get legal help. A lawyer who has experience with TBI cases can help people and their families understand their rights and options, as well as speak up for them.

Overall, people with TBI and their families have a number of legal rights and options, such as the right to get the right medical care and support services, the right to reasonable accommodations at work, and the right to go to court if the TBI was caused by someone else’s negligence. People with TBI and their families can make sure they get the help and support they need by knowing and using these rights. Our brain injury lawyer can definitely help you protect your right.

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