Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

Traumatic brain injury symptoms can affect a person cognitively, physically and emotionally.

Cognitive symptoms of traumatic brain injury may include:

  • short term memory loss and/or long term memory loss
  • slowed ability to process information
  • trouble concentrating or paying attention for periods of time
  • difficulty keeping up with a conversation;
  • other communication difficulties
  • such as word finding problems
  • spatial disorientation
  • organizational problems and impaired judgment
  • unable to do more than one thing at a time

Physical symptoms of traumatic brain injury may include:

  • seizures of all types
  • muscle spasticity
  • double vision or low vision, even blindness
  • loss of smell or taste
  • speech impairments such as slow or slurred speech
  • headaches or migraines
  • fatigue, increased need for sleep
  • balance problems
  • pain

Emotional symptoms of trauamtic brain injury may include:

  • a lack of initiating activities, or once started, difficulty in completing tasks without reminders
  • increased anxiety
  • depression and mood swings
  • denial of deficits
  • impulsive behavior
  • more easily agitated
  • egocentric behaviors- difficulty seeing how behaviors can affect others

If you, or someone you know, have suffered any cognitive, physical, and/or emotional traumatic brain injury symptoms and would like to know if you are entitled to receiving compensation, please contact us.

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